The shrimp-farming area and shrimp yield are continuously changing in the southwestern coastal districts of Bangladesh. The three southwestern coastal districts, Bagerhat, Satkhira, and Khulna, along with Rampal, a subdistrict of Bagerhat, contribute 75% of the total shrimp yield of Bangladesh. However, the shrimp yield and farming area have declined in Bagerhat district, and the cause of this decline is uncertain. In this research, the differences in the shrimp yield were quantified using a shrimp yield dataset (SYD) and k-means classification. A supervised image classification approach was applied to quantify the spatiotemporal changes and identify the influencing factors behind the declining shrimp-farming area and yield in Rampal, Bagerhat district, using Landsat satellite archives. K-means classification reveals that, between 2015 and 2017, the shrimp yield in Bagerhat district declined significantly compared to Satkhira and Khulna. The satellite-based monitoring results affirm that the shrimp-farming area of Rampal also decreased rapidly, from 21.82% in 2013 to 6.52% in 2018. This research estimates that approximately 70% of the shrimp-farming area was lost in Rampal since December 2013. Hence, the findings of this research might motivate the responsible bodies to declare the shrimp-farming coastal area as a “shrimp zone” and implement an active policy to protect the vulnerable shrimp-farming industry and shrimp farmers, considering it is the second-largest export earning source in Bangladesh after ready-made garments.
The shrimp yield and farming area in the southwestern coastal districts of Bangladesh have been dynamically regulated over the years; the region has ideal climatic conditions and the industry has good labor costs [1,2]
The introduction of the Rampal thermal power plant appears to be a critical factor behind the declining shrimp-farming area and shrimp yield of Rampal, Bagerhat district, in recent years
Natural and environmental consequences, disease outbreaks, low shrimp prices, and high labor cost are some of the other notable factors that seem to account for the declining shrimp-farming area and yield of Bagerhat district
The shrimp yield and farming area in the southwestern coastal districts of Bangladesh have been dynamically regulated over the years; the region has ideal climatic conditions and the industry has good labor costs [1,2]. Bagerhat, Satkhira, and Khulna, along with Rampal, a subdistrict of Bagerhat, are the significant coastal shrimp-farming districts of Bangladesh, making a major contribution to the national economy over the past two decades [5]. The introduction of the coal-fired thermal power plant and the decline in shrimp-farming area and yield in Rampal are connected. SShhrriimmpp YYiieelldd IIss DDeecclliinniinngg iinn BBaaggeerrhhaatt DDiissttrriiccttaannddIInnccrreeaassiinnggiinnKKhhuullnnaaaannddSSaattkkhhiirraaDDiissttrriiccttss TThhee bbrriisskk aanndd bboouunnddlleessss eexxppaannssiioonn ooff bbaarree llaanndd,, iinnflfluueenncceedd bbyy tthhee ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn ooff tthhee ccooaall--fifirreedd tthheerrmmaall ppoowweerrpplalannttininlaltaet2e021031, 3s,eesmeesmtos btoe obneeoonfethoefptrhiemparryimcaaurysecsaoufstehseoinf stthaebiilnitsytaobfitlhiteysohfritmhpe syhierilmd panydielfdaramndinfgaramrienagoafreRaaomf pRaalm. pInal.adIndaitdiodnit,iothne, thime pimacptacotforferceecnetntfrfereqquueennttcclliimmaattiicc vvaarriiaabbllee changes, the outbreak of disease at shrimp farms, high labor costs, low shrimp prices, and long-term environmental consequences are responsible for the declining shrimp yield and farming area
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