
Land suitability evaluation was carried out to evaluate the suitability of soils of Okoko Item, Abia State, South-eastern Nigeria, for upland rice production. Free method of soil survey was adopted. Qualitative land suitability of the area for rain-fed rice production was done using FAO Land Suitability Classification System. The study area was delineated into four mapping units designated as OK I, OK II, OK III and OK IV. Mapping units OK I and OK II were generally flat, deep and well drained. Mapping unit OK III was generally flat, shallow to moderately deep and poorly to imperfectly drained while mapping unit OK IV was undulating with deep, well drained and gravelly soils. Soils were classified as Typic Rhodudults for OK I, Rhodic Paleudults for OK II, Mollic Epiaquents for OK III and Typic Plinthaqualfs for OK IV. Mapping units OK I and OK II were moderately suitable (S2), mapping unit OK III was permanently not suitable (N2) while mapping unit OK IV was marginally suitable (S3) for upland rice production. Majority of the area (61 %) is permanently not suitable (N2) for sustainable upland rice cultivation due to poor drainage. However, 26 % of the area is moderately suitable (S2) while 13% of the area is marginally suitable (S3) for sustainable upland rice cultivation due to dominance of rock outcrop and boulders.

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