
The research was aimed at impacts of integrated agricultural development project on income and livelihoods of rice producers in Lere Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. This study was carried out in five communities of Lere LGA of Kaduna State, Nigeria which were; Abadawa, Garu Mariri, Kayarda, Kudaru and Dan Alhaji as participation communities in Integrated Agricultural Development Project. Multi-stage random sampling was used to choose 212 respondents. Face-to-face interviews with rice producers generated primary data, which was obtained using structured questionnaire. The socio-economic profile of the sampled respondents was determined using descriptive methods. The data obtained from objective i and iii was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as (frequency distribution, percentage mean) objective ii was achieved using Ordered Probit Model. The objective iv was achieved using the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (W). The outcome of the research appeared that most of the respondents were of active working group and the average age of the sample respondents was approximately 46 years while the average family size was 10. The findings of the study showed that 88.6% were married and educational mean was 9years and almost 73.7% of sample respondents has access to credit. The results showed that the mean annual income of the respondents was N12,2875, indicating that majority of the rice producers in the study area had large annual income. The coefficient of training (110430.2) was positively significant at 1% level of probability, implying that access to training is expected to increase rice producers’ income in the study area. The result also indicates that increase income and increase in quality and quantity of rice production were both ranked as 1st implying that introduction of IAD project has resulted into significant in income and increase in quality and quantity of rice in the study area. The results inadequate fund ( = 4.90) ranked 1st as the most serious constraint faced by rice producers. It was recommended that credit facilities should be provided for the rice producers in the study area to enable then expand their farming activities.

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