Building territorial policies to free lands for national and international corporations to produce large-scale commodities for export, called agro-extractivism is one of the components of the neoliberal agrarian question. In Brazil, in the last thirty years, the agrarian question had two phases: the Neoliberal and the post-neoliberal. These policies intensified the territorial disputes between the agribusiness corporations and the peasant, indigenous and quilombola movements. To better understand these disputes we analyze the new conflicts from the reading of Brazil agrarian and rural Brazil. Through the method of paradigmatic debate, we analyze theoretical and political references for territorial development. Conflictuality is analyzed on a national scale with emphasis on new territory: MATOPIBA, created exclusively for agribusiness, is territorialized and attracts interest from several companies and international financial capital. Another case that we analyze is the conflict between the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) and Del Monte Corporation in the territorial dispute in the Apodi plateau in the state of Ceará. We analyze the hegemony of Agrarian capitalism in the neoliberal and post-neoliberal phases and the actions of the peasantry to resist and advance, facing the binomial latifundio-agribusiness. With this article, we contribute to updating the readings on the Brazilian agrarian question.
The current Brazilian agrarian question is undergoing changes as a result of the policies in progress of the second neoliberal phase
We present two case studies: one in a region of MATOPIBA that was created by the Dilma government to serve the interests of landowners and multinational corporations
The agrarian policies of post-neoliberal governments for agrarian capitalism are the maintenance of neoliberal policies with some measures that have minimized the increase in the intensification of the strong territorialization of agribusiness
El acaparamiento de tierras para el agro-extractivismo en la segunda fase neoliberal en Brasil. La construcción de políticas territoriales para liberar tierras para que las corporaciones nacionales e internacionales produzcan monocultivos en gran escala para la exportación, llamada agroextractivismo, es uno de los componentes de la cuestión agraria neoliberal. Estas políticas intensificaron las disputas territoriales entre las empresas de agronegocios y los movimientos campesinos, indígenas y quilombolas. Para comprender mejor estas disputas, analizamos los nuevos conflictos de la lectura del Brasil agrario y el Brasil rural. Otro caso es el conflicto entre el Movimiento de Trabajadores Rurales sin Tierra (MST) y la Corporación Del Monte en la disputa sobre los territorios en la meseta de Apodi en el estado de Ceará. Analizamos la hegemonía del capitalismo agrario en las fases neoliberal y postneoliberal y las acciones del campesinado para resistir y avanzar, frente al binomio latifundio-agroindustria.
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