
The purpose of this study is to evaluate some soils in ElFayoum depression using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). For this purpose, twenty-five soil profiles and seventy-two minipits were described in the field and their representative samples were laboratory analyzed. Using, geological map, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and visual interpretation of satellite data a physiographic soil map was produced to present soil mapping units of the studied area. The area under investigation was classified into four landscape units, i.e. Alluvial Plain, Lacustrine Plain, Aeolian Plain and finally lake and lagoon (13.14 % of the total studied area). Soil taxonomic unit were identified. These soils can classified into Aridisols, Vertisols, and Entisols orders. Land capability was used to evaluate the soils of studied area. According to modified Storie Index model. The area is classified into five capability grades reflect the limitation factors. Grade 1 about 41.85 % without any limiting factors, Grade 2 about 15.94 % where the soil main limiting factor is soil profile depth, Grade 3 about 17.30 %, where soil depth of soil profile. Texture and salinity are the main limiting factors, Grade 4 about 6.91 %. Where the limiting factors are soil depth and salinity. Grade 5 about 4.86 % represented the most area of shallow soils. Four crops were selected to assess soil suitability for cultivation in the studied area, i.e. wheat, barley, cotton and olive. The results indicated that olive was the best crop for growing in such soils.

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