
The paper examines, summarily, the sociological debate about concept of secularization and compares it to the concept of laicity. It analyses the limits of Brazilian laicity and focuses on the relationship between religion and politics in Brazil. It shows that the competition between Catholics and Pentecostals extrapolated the religious field and migrated to the spheres midiatic and politics. And highlights the occurrence of intenses clashes in Brazilian public sphere between Christian and laics groups about the place and role of religion, laicity of State, human rights, social, sexual and reproductive rights of minorities.


  • The paper examines, summarily, the sociological debate about concept of secularization and compares it to the concept of laicity

  • It analyses the limits of Brazilian laicity

  • It shows that the competition between Catholics

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Ricardo Mariano*

Resumo: O paper examina, sumariamente, o debate sociológico sobre o conceito de secularização e o compara ao de laicidade. Analisa os limites da laicidade à brasileira e foca a relação entre religião e política no Brasil. Mostra que a concorrência entre católicos e pentecostais extrapolou o campo religioso e migrou para as esferas midiática e político-partidária. E destaca a ocorrência de intensos embates na esfera pública brasileira entre grupos cristãos e laicos a respeito do lugar e do papel da religião, da laicidade estatal, dos direitos humanos, sociais, sexuais e reprodutivos de minorias

Laicidade e secularização
Religiosos e laicos em disputa
Considerações finais
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Paper version not known

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