
Material transport around the headland has received more attention. To reveal the material transport pattern and its response to the topography in the Yellow River Estuary (YRE), in this paper, three Lagrangian analysis methods, including Lagrangian residual current, particle tracking model, and Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs), are used to analyze the material horizontal transport near the headland in the YRE. The results of the study show that the headland plays an important role in the hydrodynamic processes and material transport in the YRE. Due to the current shear induced by the topography, materials easily diffuse, forming a front around the headland. Due to the blocking and shading effects of the headland, the materials tend to accumulate on the right side of the headland (facing the sea). The above three Lagrangian methods can describe the characteristics of the material distribution, but the LCS method is superior in comparison. Due to their more stable spatial structure, LCSs can be used to analyze the transport of pollutants, larvae, microplastics, etc. in the YRE.

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