
Článek na základě archivních dokumentů a rozhovorů s aktéry dění představuje křesťanskou službu v Českobratrské církvi evangelické, jak se vyvíjela zejména po komunistickém převratu v druhé polovině 20. stol. Všímá si klíčových charakteristik spočívajících v důrazu na sousedství, vzájemnost a společenství. Následně vztahuje tuto empirickou podobu sborové diakonie k teologické diskusi o diakonizaci církve a naznačuje možné perspektivy rozvinutí sborové diakonie a reflexe celospolečenského přínosu církví v rámci sociologického paradigmatu "společnosti sítí", v němž síla křesťanské služby nespočívá v organizovaných aktivitách, ale v sociálním kapitálu církve.


  • Christian ministry is a designation for diaconal work in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren

  • We will link the discussion about congregational diakonia and the diaconal Church

  • The Christian ministry in the ECCB is formed in connection with the forced withdrawal of the church and its diaconal work from the public space after the communist takeover in 1948

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Christian Ministry in the ECCB

Abigail Hudcová summarises the activities of Christian ministry in the era of socialism in this way: Christian ministry focused on the members of the Church (or of the congregation) in need. It turned out that Diaconia was built by people from the edge of the church rather than by the traditional Protestants.[10] At the same time, Schwarz notes other facts that show certain ‘structural incompatibility’ of organised Diaconia and Christian ministry He says that ‘Diaconia and its centres were created in the places where Christian ministry did not work. The specific Czech context, in which Christian service has developed, has brought some distortions in the form of a strict focus on church members, and an understanding of diakonia as a manifestation of congregational community, and an instrument used for its development This form of diakonia is threatened by the loss of openness, on the other hand it corresponds to the biblical basis in Gal 6:10: ‘as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.’. It is especially the question of the place and mission of the Church in a free society that asks for a new approach and development of congregational diakonia

Congregational Diakonia and Diaconal Congregation
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