
Abstract Three formulations of Atroban (BW 21Z, permethrin) were evaluated in the laboratory to determine if there was a behavioral response of avoiding treated surfaces, and efficacy against laboratory reared house flies. In Test 1 adult house flies (100/cage) were placed in four ft screened cages, containing a sugar cube, vial of water, and two suspended 6x6 inch panels. Each panel consisted of two sheets of filter paper clipped together, with the exterior surface of one treated with Atroban at a rate of 125 mg/sq ft. In each cage, the two treated surfaces were sprayed with the same formulation. The panel surfaces in the control cage were left untreated. After 24 hours, the total number of fly specks on each exposed surface was determined and fly mortality recorded. This repellency test was repeated five times between Dec 17’79 and Jan 29’80. In Test 2, a “touch test” was used to determine the efficacy of the different formulations. Adult house flies (25/formulatton) were anaesthetized with CO2 and their tarsi touched to treated filter papers for five seconds. Filter papers were treated with Atroban at a rate of 125 mg/sq ft and untreated papers served as controls. After treatment, the flies were placed in 4-inch Dixie cups (No. 2186, American Can Co., Easton, PA) provided with a sugar cube and vial of water. Mortality counts were taken 24 hours later. The test was repeated seven times between Feb 5 and March 5’80. In Test 3, World Health Organization insecticide testing tubes were used to further evaluate the efficacy of the three Atroban formulations. Ten adult house flies were introduced into each holding tube prior to pesticide exposure. The plastic tubes were 125 mm in length and 44 mm in diameter with one end fitted with a 16-mesh screen. After a 15 minute pre-test holding period, flies were blown gently through the open slide gate into the attached exposure tube. Atroban treated papers (12 x 15 cm) at the rate of 125 mg/sq ft lined the exposure tubes. Tubes containing untreated papers served as controls. After an exposure time of 10 minutes, the flies were returned to the holding tubes by reversing the process. Each holding tube contained either a vial of water or a sugar cube and water. Fly mortality was determined 24 hours after pesticide exposure. The experiment was repeated 14 times between Jan 30 and Feb 28. During the first three tests, the holding tubes were supplied only with water. In Test 4 the World Health Organization tubes were also used to compare 1978 and 1979 42.5% EC formulations for fly efficacy. The tests were repeated 12 times between March 14 and April 1. Holding tubes were supplied with both water and sugar cubes.

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