
Problem setting. Social stability, a high-quality living standard for the population, and the creation of prerequisites for a decent level of living and development of society directly depend on the level of ensuring social security as a component of the national security of Ukraine.
 Recent research and publications analysis. Some aspects of the regulatory labor protection support are shown in the works of M. Baru, V. Venediktova, S. Voloshyna, D. Karpenko, L. Lazor, I. Shamshyna, V. Chernadchuk, O. Yaroshenko, and others. However, the peculiarities of labor protection as a social component of national safety in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union require some further scientific research, and the regulation of these features definitely needs to be improved.
 The article aims to analyze the regulatory support of labor safety as a social component of national security, taking into account the processes of European integration of Ukraine, and to clarify the regulatory context of reforming its system.
 Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The contradiction and inconsistency of the provisions in the Ukrainian legislation as for labor safety and the presence of numerous gaps in it determines the necessity to study this problem of the regulatory support for labor protection as a social component of the national security of Ukraine in the context of European integration.
 Paper main body. The main priority for ensuring national security is the protection of life and health, human and civil rights, and freedoms. National security is a system of measures to ensure the state of the Ukrainian people (nation) as an independent subject of political power and an equal participant in international relations, the bearer of sovereignty and the main source of power in their country, when the vital interests of a person and citizen, society and the state are optimally balanced and protected. There are no threats to the national interests, national values, and national way of life, and its independence, stability, self-development, and progress are ensured. National security is a complex multidimensional phenomenon that combines military, social, economic, political, informational, and environmental components. So, labor safety is an important social component of national security, because it provides for the adoption of necessary measures aimed at preserving life, health, and working capacity of a person in the process of work and avoiding accidents in future. Providing public stability and meeting Ukrainian national interests largely depends on ensuring labor safety.
 The law of Ukraine “On labor protection” of 14.10.1992 establishes a single procedure for organizing labor protection by regulating relations between an employer and an employee on issues of labor safety, health and the working environment, and the determination of basic provisions on the realization of the constitutional right of workers to protection of their life and health in the course of labor activity, to proper, safe and healthy working conditions.
 Ukrainian legislation defines labor protection as a phenomenon related to almost all spheres of society (socio-economic, political, legal, etc.). At the same time, the scientific community considers the concept of labor protection in various aspects.
 In this case, the concept of “labor protection” covers its definition of “labor safety” as the protection of the employee from the risks associated with the labor process.
 Thus, labor safety as an element of worker protection is the social component of national security that involves necessary measures to saving human life, health, and working ability and avoiding future accidents.
 Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Based on the previous information, we can conclude that labor safety is an important social component of the national security of Ukraine. The international legal system and European standards of labor protection are based on the principles of protection and defense of human and civil rights. Therefore, the adaptation of local legislation to international and European legislation will help to improve existing legal norms and create new ones that will contribute to labor safety and stability in society and strengthening the national security of Ukraine.
 In the case of Ukrainian adaptation to international and European legislation, the requirements of European norms and standards in the field of labor safety provide for the solution of the following urgent tasks: ensuring safe working conditions, prevention of occupational injuries and diseases, providing the safety of products and services. At the same time, the use of economic levers and incentive principles is crucial.
 Legislative adaptation has to be based on systematic and preventive approaches to ensure workers their labor safety and health.

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