
The Labiate are represented by 42 species in Chile. In general, they do not predominate in the plant formations in which they appear. About 700 sheets from the herbaria CONC, M, MA, and SGO, are studied. A key for genera is included, as well as, for each of them, another for species. For each species, its scientific name and basyonym, synonyms, original citations, iconography, common names, description, data on the habitat, flowering period, distribution in the insular regions and territories of Chile, and the transcription of the labels of the studied material are indicated. The 42 resulting species correspond to 18 genera. Four species previously cited for Chile have been discarded. In addition, the adventitious plants and all those that have been cultivated as ornamentals have been included. The new combination Lepechinia chilensis (Molina) R. Morales, comb. nov. is presented.


  • The Labiate are represented by 42 species in Chile

  • They do not predominate in the plant formations in which they appear

  • Four species previously cited for Chile have been discarded

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Región de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, arroyo de la Zorra, 12-VIII-1864, J. (Navas 1979: 78); Cerro San Cristóbal, K. (SGO54931); Cerro San Cristóbal (Navas 1979: 78); Provincia Santiago, Cajón de Maipo, El Manzano, 33o 35′ S, 70o 20′ O, mainly disturbed sclerophyllous vegetation, Lithraea and Quillaja, 800 m s.n.m., 7-XI-1981, L.R. Landrum 3807 (SGO103248); Santiago, cuesta de Chacabuco, 32o 58′ S, 70o 40′ O, 1300 m s.n.m., 16-XI-1970, C. Marticorena y Weldt 616 (MA723798, CONC34737); Provincia de Chacabuco, Pass südlich Caleu, 16-XI-1994, Ehrhart y Grau 94/348 (M); Provincia de Chacabuco, panamericana Norte km 22, Strassenrand mit nassem Graben, 3-XII-1966, Zollitsch 20 (M); Cerros de Renca (Navas 1979: 78); Arrayán (Navas 1979: 78); Quebrada de Apoquindo (Navas 1979: 78); Macul (Navas 1979: 78); Quebrada de Ramón (Navas 1979: 78); Cajón del Maipo (Navas 1979: 78); San Bernardo (Navas 1979: 78); Cerros de Chena (Navas 1979: 78); Cerros de Aculo (Navas 1979: 78); Al comienzo de Cuesta Pelvín, camino de Farellones (Riedemann & Aldunate 2001); Río Colorado, I-1886, Boerhers s.n. (SGO54930)

Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins
Región del Maule
VIII Región del Bío-Bío
Región de Los Lagos
Región Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Región de Coquimbo
Región de la Araucanía
Región de Antofagasta
Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena
Región de Atacama
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