
AbstractThis article offers an approach to the De medicina equorum (post 1250–ante 1256) with the aim of analyzing some of the divergences between the manuscript that contains the Galician translation (Biblioteca Nacional de España, ms. 23076) and the Latin text, mainly known through Girolamo Molin’s edition (based on ms. Lat. Cl. VII 24 of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana de Venezia). The analysis of the Latin and Romance tradition of Ruffo’s work as well as of other treatises written under its influence show that these divergences do not result from mistakes in the copy of the Galician translation but are rather related to the variations issuing from the process of transmission of this work. Thus, the essay contributes to the establishment of certain textual features of the source text of the Galician version, most likely a Latin manuscript similar to but different from the codex reproduced by Molin.

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