
Saint Thomas University has been contributing to Open and Distance Education in Colombia since 1975 with different programs in education as well as in Science and Technology, reaching 31 years of experience in this modality and becoming historically the most prestigious educative institution with the widest-recognized background in the country. The Open and Distance University vice-rectory that is in charge of this modality leads and validates all its educative labor in the context-bases knowledge in teaching, Science, Technology and research towards the social projection on the foundation of fundamental principles such as the human person who looks for the consolidation of his life project, knowledge oriented to service and social commitment in search for the common wealth. It also responds to daily urgency, to current requirements and to national and international possibilities.


  • S fundamental principles such as the human person who looks for the consolidation of his life project, knowledge oriented to service and social commitment in search for the common wealth

  • Saint Thomas University has been contributing to Open and Distance Education in Colombia since ZLWK GLIIHUHQW SURJUDPV LQ HGXFDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV LQ 6FLHQFH DQG 7HFKQRORJ\ UHDFKLQJ \HDUV RI experience in this modality and becoming historically the most prestigious educative institution with WKHZLGHVWUHFRJQL]HGEDFNJURXQGLQWKHFRXQWU\7KH2SHQDQG'LVWDQFH8QLYHUVLW\YLFHUHFWRU\WKDW LVLQFKDUJHRIWKLVPRGDOLW\OHDGVDQGYDOLGDWHVDOOLWVHGXFDWLYHODERULQWKHFRQWH[WEDVHGNQRZOHGJH in teaching, Science, Technology and research towards the social projection on the foundation of

  • En la Universidad Santo Tomás ha sido Coordinadora de la Línea de Investigación de Currículo, Directora del 6LVWHPDGH,QYHVWLJDFLyQ(GXFDWLYD\3HGDJyJLFD6,(3GHOD)DFXOWDGGH(GXFDFLyQ Actualmente Docente y Directora de la Maestría en Educación, desde donde lidera el grupo “Investigación y Docencia,” registrado en COLCIENCIAS, en Categoría B

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La Facultad plantea crear programas de investigación en tres campos fundamentales: el desarrollo social, el desarrollo tecnológico y el desarrollo empresarial. Las líneas de investigación se construyeron en forma participativa previa consulta a los centros regionales, los docentes de los programas y los proyectos elaborados por los estudiantes para la obtención del título de tecnología y profesional, planteándose las siguientes líneas para la Facultad y las diferentes carreras así. La Gestión en el proceso del desarrollo tecnológico en la empresa en Colombia. /tQHDVGH,QYHVWLJDFLyQ$GPLQLVWUDFLyQGH(PSUHVDV Desarrollo de empresas lucrativas en Colombia. /tQHDVGH,QYHVWLJDFLyQ&RQVWUXFFLyQHQ$UTXLWHFWXUDH,QJHQLHUtD ‡ 7pFQLFDVFRQVWUXFWLYDVGHHGL¿FDFLRQHV\REUDVFLYLOHV Patología de la Construcción

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