
Objective: perform a bibliometric characterization of Cuban research on information literacy (INFOLIT) based on the literature published from 2000 to 2013. Methods: substantiation was provided for conceptual notions about INFOLIT in the field of library and information sciences, and some interesting research antecedents were explored. Sixty-seven papers identified by the Ibero-America-Cuba INFOLIT Wiki-Repository were examined with the bibliometric indicators yearly productivity, authors, journals and term co-occurrence analysis, as well as type of documents cited, and most commonly cited journals and authors. Bibliometric maps and graphs were used to present the results obtained. Results: the topic has expanded since 2007. The most outstanding authors were from health and higher education institutions. The most productive journals were from the area of Library Science and Information Sciences in Cuba. Four basic research lines were found: 1) INFOLIT in medical and health sciences, 2)information competences among university students, 3) INFOLIT evaluation and 4) design of INFOLIT syllabuses. The most commonly cited journals were ACIMED, Anales de Documentacion, Boletin de la Asociacion Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, The Journal of Academic Librarianship and Ciencias de la Informacion. Overseas authors were more commonly cited. Conclusions: the study shed light on the main Cuban patterns for research on INFOLIT, a matter not examined previously, paving the way for the development of the topic in library and information sciences.

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