
Cave of Alisadr : a geomorphological site of outstanding interect in the Zagros mountains of Iran. The tourist cave of Alisadr, located on the eastern boundaries of the Zagros Mountains, is biggest subsurface cave visited in Iran. Most part of the karstic underground galleries are permanently filled with water : on the sides of the galleries former water table levels are indicated by numerous calcareous sinters. The sub-surface karst has preserved numerous relics and paleoenvironmental residual deposits which show the geomorphological karstic development. Datating of the three conspicuous calcareous levels in the cave and that of the surface basaltic mesa, to be established a few kilometres from the cave enable a chronology the stages of karstic evolution. The place of pre-quaternary vestiges in the landscapes of this country is also determined. For example, no typical landform of glacial erosion has been identified. The current karstic denudation rate is about 3 mm/Ky. The geomorphological evolution of surface and sub-surface landforms during the quaternary era is shown and deduced from the processes which have led to breccia formations in calcareous rocks.

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