
Due to the situation originated by the COVID-19 pandemic, a research was made among the students of the BA in Chemist Pharmacobiologist, of the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP), with the purpose of identifying their perception on the application of gamification as a tool for developing more dynamic classes strengthening the process of teaching and learning and as a consequence to make possible the development/acquisition of curricular contents. The research was qualitative as well as descriptive. In order to get to our objective a list of 18 questions in Google form was sent to 30 of 36 students taking the subject Systems of Quality and Normativity, in the autumn of 2020. A cursory analysis of the results showed that by employing gamifications the students could actually retain more information in an easier way as well as being motivated and attentive. This article describes the results of the research. It is organized in the sections: Introduction, Tesearch context, Literature review, Methodology, Development and discussion of the results, Conclusions, Recommendations and References.

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