
This essay pretends to introduce and elucidate the complex relationship of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan with writing through his theory of the autonomy of the signifier. To reach this goal i will focus primarily, but not only, in some lessons of the seminar XViii-year 1971 � titled �on a Discourse That Would not Be semblance�. This seminar is located in a historical moment of fundamental importance to its author: political and social changes do not leave indifferent the French psychoanalyst, who the precedent year, 1970, stands with a critical sign of himself; after this year we can distinguish between Lacan i and Lacan ii, and we can also talk about Freud, in a personal way and as founder of psychoanalysis. This movement bears the title of an important workshop: �The other side of psychoanalysis�, which shapes the fundamental notion of discourse as a structure that sets the nucleus of any act in which words are involved, words that are severely constrained of a structure that precedes it and that are called by Lacan �discourses� .He will resume them in four types: the master, the hysteric, the analyst and the discourse of the university. after the important seminar on The Purloined Letter� of 1956 and the text of 1957 «The instance of the Letter in the Unconscious», Lacan will return, after fourteen years, to the argument of writing in a period marked by change: in society and in his doctrine.

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