
"The Ignatian Spiritual Formation in The Priesthood. From the Roman College to the Institute of Spirituality of The Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome. The present study aims to analyze the importance of the spiritual formation of Seminarians and Priests in the present times. Assuming that the most delicate part of the formation concerns the work of the divine grace, the exhortations of the Pontiffs, from Leo XIII to Francis insist that the good dispositions of the Seminarians help them to find in their Formators the spirit, better understanding and all the help to reach the state of perfection, called priestly holiness. As one of the forms of the celebrations of the 60° anniversary of the Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical Gregorian University, this paper also has the purpose of some genuine expressions of gratitude for the contributions of Fathers Herbert Alphonso and Maurizio Costa, two Jesuits who have been called to the Father’s House. Together with Father Franco Imoda, they were sensible toward the needs of the Church with great courage. As an answer to these expectations and on the explicit request from Congregation for the Catholic Education of the Holy See, Father Joseph Pittau S.I., the then Magnificent Rector of Pontifical Gregorian University, founded, the Interdisciplinary Center for the Formation of the Formators in Seminaries (CIFS = Centro Interdisciplinare per la Formazione dei Formatori nei Seminari) in May 1996. Our conclusions synthesize the results of the research, and place in prominence the mission of the Institute of Spirituality as an expression of its fidelity to the inheritance of the Roman College. Keywords: priestly spirituality, priestly and spiritual formation, formation of the formators, Ignatian pedagogy, prayer, theology, Roman College, the Ignatian vision of man, pastoral charity."

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