
"The author presents an understanding of crisis communication in the Church, especially the theological and pastoral method, considering the teachings of Popes John Paul II and Francis, as well as based on the research and experience of foreign theologians. The Church is also potentially a victim of critical issues, especially in times of war, which is why the author will try to deepen the relationship between ecclesiastical institutions and their influence on the worldview of the faithful, underlining communication aspects and relationships with the mass media. Undoubtedly the absolute prerogative of the Church is the announcement of the Good News and the Truth. The rejection of communication and responsibility is not only an escape from real threats, but also a rejection of people who seek God through the voice of the Church. Therefore, the study of crisis communication in the Church, considering social communication and the challenges of war, ethical relativism, the mass media’s distorted vision of the Church: this is the task of ecclesiastical educational institutions in the modern world. Keywords: communication, crisis, method, mass media, dimension, spiritual direction, leader, priest."

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