
Bernard Gainot, La Décade and the «New Colonization » Reflections on colonization during the Directory are bound to focus on the new prospects opened up by the decree abolishing slavery of 16 Pluviôse Year II and the Constitution of Year III which placed abolition at the core of the new relationship between the mother country and her colonies. Heirs to a rich encyclopedic tradition in this sphere, the editors of the journal La Décade philosophique were unanimous in condemning what they called « modern colonization » based on the right of conquest and slave labour. They charted the development of « new colonization », a scheme to set up European outposts situated mainly in Africa and aimed at forging trading links with the native population based on voluntary labour and technological transfers. The scheme was not without contradictions and question marks; apart from the invidious issue of the relationship between native peoples and the civilized world, it reflected the misgivings of its promoters on the role of « modern » colonies (the Antilles and Mascarene islands) within the Republic : what degree of political emancipation ? What future did the plantation economy hold in store ?

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