
This work examines the concept of beauty connected with vision in terms of utopia, pre-vision and sharing from a pedagogical perspective. Starting with the pandemic's need to 'see beyond', the analysis will develop in three directions: - Educational direction: i.e., the ability to go beyond the perimeter of the usual spaces of action of pedagogy, interpreting the challenges due the pandemic how opportunities to experiments other “educational vision”. In this sense, the debate on distance learning and face-to-face learning can be interpreted. - Scientific direction: The value of the scientific community's knowledge, skills and research’ passion investigating a new perspective to the well-being and safety of humankind became evident during the pandemic. - Global direction: i.e., as a greater awareness that safety may only happen if everyone is safe, in a planetary and not an individualist or sovereigntist view of well-being. Pedagogy should redefine globalisation in a human sense.

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