
The Beatification of the United Romanian Bishops, in the Light of the Theology of Martyrdom. The Church of Christ fulfills three functions in the history of salvation: martyria, leiturgia and diakonia. Confession of Faith, martyria, it is a fundamental mission entrusted to the Church, which is exercised by preaching the Gospel (Matt. 28:19), the Logos transmitted and explained, the life in the faith and defending it from internal enemies (schisms, polemics, etc.) or external ones (heresies and persecutions). Since the times of apostolic and ancient Christianity martyria was achieved through a testimony of faith strengthened by resistance to persecution and the radicality of the sacrifice of life, starting with St. Stephen, passing through the long line of martyrs of all times, in 1623 by the martyrdom of St. Archbishop Joshaphat for the unity of the Church, the Churches United confessing from now on, with the price of shed blood, the faith and mission entrusted by Jesus “that all may be one” (Jn 17:20). During the persecutions of the twentieth century, the United Romanian Church wrote a page in the “theology of martyrdom”, building the Church, fulfilling its crown of martyrdom, the beatification of martyrs to restore the unity of the Church opening a new stage in the history and mission of contemporary Christianity. Keywords: beatification, Church, Catholicism, Greek Catholicism, martyrdom, theology, unity.

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