
The article is devoted to the study of literary parallels : the works of A. N. Ostrovsky and then-contemporary French comedy of E. Scribe, E. Labiche, E. Ogier, V. Sardou. The article examines materials of theater criticism of the XIX century, reveals the content of the concept of "French intrigue" in Russian critical reflection. The laws of the formation of the drama of E. Scribe and the playwrights of the "school of common sense" are analyzed. Comedies by A. N. Ostrovsky 1870-80s are presented as the experience of a productive dialogue between the Russian playwright and then-contemporary French tradition of "play of intrigue", which in turn subordinates, at the same time, to a special logic of resolving a dramatic conflict, which realizes the national-cultural understanding of the meaning of the circumstances of the action. As a result of the research, the author reveals cultural and historical patterns and the specifics of the transformation of the main genre forming principles of French comedy in the works of A. N. Ostrovsky and in the context of Russian culture.

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