
The present contribution deals with Aver cura di donne e pazzia, a comedy by the Florentine playwright Giovan Battista Fagiuoli (1660-1742). Until today, no parentage has been detected between this text and comedy by Agustin Moreto No puede ser, written in 1659 and first published in 1661. The identification of the Italian title in an eighteenth- century theatrical catalogue lead to speculate that there was a relationship between Fagiuoli and Agustin Moreto’s comedies; the collation between these two texts confirmed this relationship, and researchers may infer that Fagiuoli was fundamentally faithful to the main plot of the Spanish comedy, although he suppressed some dramatic segments so as to include new subplots in his re-worked version. This essay features a comparative chart of the diegetic units of the source text, based upon a summary divided in numbered cuadros, and the diegetic units of the Italian text, starting from a synopsis, divided into scenes. This chart highlights Fagiuoli’s apparent expansion of the dramatic material.

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