
The article deals with the debatable problems of the Kyrgyz nomadic economy in the prerevolutionary period. In particular, to what type of production does the Kyrgyz nomadic and pastoral economy belong: to small-scale production of the feudal or capitalist type? These problems are among the fundamental ones in the historiography of the economic history of Kyrgyzstan, in terms of determining the objective and subjective prerequisites for the industrial revolution in the region, that is, the Great October Socialist Revolution; the article puts forward a hypothesis about the absence of not only capitalist, but even its rudimentary elements. Consequently, a national working class was not formed as the driving force of the socialist revolution, while the opposite was stated in Soviet historical science. The study applied the method of objectivism, i.e. a theoretical and practical analysis of the reality of the Kyrgyz nomadic society at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries was carried out through the methodological content analysis of the Leninist theory of the development of Russian capitalism in depth and in breadth, since it was Vladimir Lenin who gave a specific methodological analysis of the political and economic state of the Turkestan region, traced the process of development of capitalism in Russia in breadth, and the ways of the decomposition of feudalism in colonially dependent regions, outlined the features of the initial accumulation of capital in the colonies. Also, in the article, to solve the problems posed, a systematic method was applied with the help of which the main stages of the development of Russian capitalism were traced - home crafts or home industry, manufactory, factory stage. As a result, the authors of the article came to the following conclusions: the capitalist way of life in Kyrgyzstan had not developed by the eve of the October Revolution. But, the process of decomposition of patriarchal-feudal relations began, bypassing the stage of development, and the factor of this was the Russian capitalism introduced from the outside, and not the internal forces of the Kyrgyz society and economy; Kyrgyz crafts, i.e. domestic industry, were of a natural, noncommodity nature, which means that the Kyrgyz nomadic economy was not a capitalist type of economy; in view of the absence of a capitalist structure in the Kyrgyz society, the objective and subjective prerequisites for the October Socialist Revolution were not formed.

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