
A KURDISH independence movement was officially inaugu rated at the San Francisco Conference in April 1945, in a * letter addressed to the delegates in the name of the Kurd ish League. letter was accompanied by a memorandum on the Question. It makes little difference that the ma terial presented was strongly reminiscent of what had appeared in brochure form upon the same subject at the Paris Peace Con ference in 1919. figures in the memorandum may not be acceptable. demands for Kurdish autonomy may be exagger ated to the point that many readers of liberal intention will con sider them ridiculous. Certain facts, nevertheless, remain. There is a Kurdish independence movement. It has three active propa ganda centers, one located in Syrian Beirut, a second at Sauj Bulagh in western Iran. third center is in the Communist Party of 'Iraq, which has published a program of reforms with the resounding title of The Charter of the Kurdish People. Its 17 clauses include: collaboration with the Arabs of 'Iraq; real independence of the Kurds and Arabs (implying that 'Iraq is under British imperial control); freedom of political opinion and expression; distribution of lands in fee simple to the peasants; old age, sickness and unemployment security; freedom of worship for religious minorities, with special mention in this regard of the Turcomans, Yezidis, Arabs and Assyrian Christians; and encour agement of public instruction for both sexes, with native schools and teaching in the Kurdish language. All of this is admirable enough, if one can grant that Kurdish independence is feasible or that it is advisable from the point of view of world security. Cer tainly Kurdish Communism is something quite different from the Moscow brand.

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