
OZET : Bu arastirma 1996-1998 yillarinda Erzurum'da yurutulmustur. Arastirmada materyal olarak, daha once Erzurum'da yurutulen seleksiyon calismasi sonucu secilen ve Rosa canina turune ait olan 25-Mrk-14 (dikenli) ve Rosa dumalis turune ait 25-Mrk-15 (dikensiz) nolu kusburnu tipleri kullanilmistir. Kasim-mart aylari arasindaki dinlenme doneminde, kusburnu tiplerinin 1 yillik surgunleri alinarak -30 0 C'de 0, 8, 16 ve 24 saat sure ile suni don testine tabi tutulmuslardir. Deneme aylari boyunca tiplerin tomurcuklarinda seker ve nisasta analizleri yapilarak bunlarin mevsimsel degisimleri tespit edilmistir. Arastirma sonunda dona dayanim yonunden uygulama saatleri, aylar ve tipler arasinda farklilik ortaya cikmis, dikensiz tip dikenliye gore soguga daha az dayanikli bulunmustur. Her iki tipte de dona dayanim ocak ve subat aylarinda yuksek, kasim ve mart aylarinda ise dusuk olarak belirlenmistir. Diger yandan tiplerin cesitli seker icerikleri (toplam seker, sakkaroz) kasim ayindan mart ayina kadar artis gostermis ancak mart ayinda bu degerlerde dusus oldugu gozlenmistir. Anahtar kelimeler : Kusburnu, soguga dayaniklilik, karbonhidratlar A RESEARCH ON THE FROST RESISTANCE OF SOME ROSE HIP TYPES SUMMARY : This research was carried out during the 1996-1998 in Erzurum. The material used in this study were thorny 25-Mrk-14 ( Rosa canina ) and thorniness 25-Mrk-15 ( Rosa dumalis ) rose hip types which were selected from previous studied performed in Erzurum. Samples of one year old twigs were collected and exposed to the artificial freezing test at -30 o C periodically from november to march. Throughout the experiments, several biochemical analysis on the buds of the rose hip types, including total sugar, starch and the others were done once a month. Our results showed that there was a significant differences between thorny and thorniness types of rose in term of resistance to freezing, according to hours of treatment and month of samples taken. The thorniness type was less resistant than thorny type in term of frost resistance. Frost resistance in both of rose hip types were found much more higher in january and february than november and december. On the other hand, the sugar ingredients of rose hip types increased from november to february, but decreased in march. Key words : Rose hip, frost resistance, carbohydrates

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