
The granting of power of attorney to sell the land rights as an instrument for the fulfillment of the obligations of the debtor in a loan agreement of a notarial deed may commonly be found in the everyday practice of the notaries. Power of Attorney to sell is used by the proxy to sell the land of the authorizer in the event that the authorizer (debtor) experienced defaults. The Civil Law Code and the Law No. 4 of 1996 on Mortgage do not stipulate the power attorney to sell as an instrument in the loan agreement.
 There are two legal contents analyzed from the vacancy of norms regarding the power of attorney to sell, namely: (1) how the arrangement of power of attorney to sell of the land rights as an instrument for the fulfillment of obligations on the loan agreement in the legislation on the guarantee law and (2) the legal effect of power of attorney to sell the land rights as an instrument for the fulfillment of obligations of the debtor in case of default under the loan agreements in connection with the execution of the law of guarantee. The type of research used in this thesis is a normative legal research with the statutory, concept and case approaches.
 Based on the research results, it was revealed that the power of attorney to sell is based on the agreement of the parties which make the basis of the principle of freedom of contract. The Power of Attorney Deed shall be valid unless otherwise it is canceled by the judge with a court ruling that has the binding legal force. The use the deed of power of attorney to sell is considered weak because the power of attorney to sell can not be used as a basis for executing security object between the grantor and the recipient of the power of attorney. 
 Deed of power of attorney to sell is deemed not obtain legal certainty because at the time of registration of transfer of land rights, the power of attorney to sell can not be accepted by the local Land Registry Office. Responsibility for the grantor and the recipient of power of attorney is related to the obligations and rights of the grantor and the recipient of the power of attorney. As for the responsibility of the notary who made the deed of power of attorney to sell can be studied from three aspects, namely: (1). Civil responsibility; (2). Administrative responsibility; and (3). Criminal responsibility. Legal remedies that can be taken if the debtor is experiencing defaults can be done by way of a summons in advance without selling the rights of the land owned by the grantor of the power of attorney to sell (the debitor).


  • Based on the research results, it was revealed that the power of attorney to sell is based on the agreement of the parties which make the basis of the principle of freedom of contract

  • Deed of power of attorney to sell is deemed not obtain legal certainty because at the time of registration of transfer of land rights, the power of attorney to sell can not be accepted by the local Land Registry Office

  • As for the responsibility of the notary who made the deed of power of attorney to sell can be studied from three aspects, namely: (1)

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Pengaturan Pemberian Kuasa Menjual Hak Atas Tanah

Kuasa memang sangat dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang serba komplek ini, untuk memudahkan seseorang yang secara langsung tidak dapat melaksanakan hak dan kewajibannya dalam lalu lintas hukum, dikarenakan terbatasnya waktu, jauhnya jarak, keadaan fisik, keadaan sosial ekonomi dan lainnya, dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuasa yang diatur dalam pasal 1792 sampai dengan pasal 1819 KUHPerdata Indonesia. Prinsip-prinsip hukum dalam “pemberian kuasa” yang bersumber dari KUHPerdata (Pasal 1792 sampai dengan 1819).Suatu pemberian kuasa mempunyai batasan-batasan yang wajib ditaati oleh pemberi kuasa dan penerima kuasa. Contoh harta warisan yang merupakan harta bersama yang terikat, menjadi hak dan kewenangan segenap ahli waris, setiap ahli waris tidak berwenang untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum atas harta warisan yang menjadi bagian atau haknya kecuali telah terlebih dahulu dilakukan pembagian dan pemisahan harta warisan (boedel waris) diantara para ahli waris.Akibat hukum dari ketidakwenangan adalah bahwa perbuatan hukum yang dilakukan oleh penerima kuasa batal demi hukum. Ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai kuasa menjual tidak ditemukan di dalam berbegai ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan.Hal ini mengakibatkan terdapat ruang yang bebas untuk membuat perjanjian kuasa menjual tersebut.Para pihak yang membuat kuasa menjual tersebut biasanya berdalil dengan alasan asas kebebasan berkontrak, sehingga akibat dari tidak adanya pengaturan mengenai kuasa menjual dapat merugikan berbagai pihak termasuk notaris sendiri. Hal ini perlu diakomodir dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang perlu di updatekarena masih banyak perbuatan-perbuatan hukum yang tidak ada paying hukumnya

Keabsahan Kuasa Menjual Hak Atas Tanah dalam Perjanjian Utang Piutang
Pembuatan kuasa menjual hak atas tanah ini tidak perlu didaftarkan di Kantor
Kewajiban Penerima Kuasa
Hak Penerima Kuasa
Tanggung Jawab Notaris terhadap Akta Kuasa Menjual yang Dibuat Dihadapannya
Tanggung Jawab Pidana
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