
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze: 1). Arrangements for the transfer of land rights in the Sale-Purchase Deed made before the PPAT. 2). Position of the Deed of Sale and Purchase, which payment has not been fully paid. 3). PPAT responsibility for the preparation of the Sale and Purchase Deed, the payment of which has not been fully paid. The approach method in this research is juridical normative, namely research that emphasizes the science of law and tries to examine the rules of law that apply to the subject matter. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature studies, while the data analysis method is carried out by qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research resulted in the following conclusions: 1) The PPAT of the Official for Making Land Deeds is appointed by the government, in this case the National Land Agency with certain duties and authorities in the transfer of land rights, deeds of assignment of land rights, and deeds of granting power to impose mortgage rights as regulated in the prevailing laws and regulations. PPAT has responsibility for the deed it makes, namely administrative responsibility, civil responsibility and criminal responsibility. 2). Whereas if the PPAT has been negligent either intentionally or unintentionally made a Sale and Purchase Deed even though the land payment has not been paid off so that it is detrimental to the PPAT client, then the PPAT will be liable administratively and can also be sued to be accountable for its negligence in civil terms. 3). Efforts made by the Official for Making Land Deeds (PPAT) if the payment for the sale and purchase of land has not been paid off is by making a Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB). The land sale and purchase agreement was made because one of the conditions for the implementation of the Land Sale and Purchase Deed had not been fulfilled, namely the payment of land which had to be paid in full according to the agreed price. After paying off the remaining payment, then a Sale and Purchase Deed can be made.

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