
This research aimed to examine the physical and mechanical properties of particle boards based on the composition of raw materials and adhesive content and know the treatment of the composition of raw materials and the best adhesive content and meet the standard JIS A 5908-2003. The research was conducted at Wood Workshop Laboratory, Wood Processing Laboratory Faculty of Forestry,Tanjungpura University and Laboratory of PT. Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Pontianak. The adhesive used is Urea Formaldehyde with 52% Solid Content. Comparison of the composition of rice husks and sengon varies namely rice husk 50%: sengon 50%, rice husk 60%: sengon 40% and rice husk 70%: sengon 30% and variations in the levels of UF adhesives, namely 14% and 16%, with target density 0,7 gr/cm3. The particleboard was 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm Pressing at temperature 140oC for 8 minutes, with pressure of 25 kg/cm2. The research results of the study of density and moisture content meet the standards JIS A 5908-2003. The best particle values of rice husk and sengon with composition a ratio of rice husk 50%: sengon 50% , 16% adhesive content 16%, with density value of 0,7072 gr/cm3, moisture content 9,1949 %, thick development 12,3210 %, water absorption 68,8270 %, MOE 12110,7273 kg/cm2, MOR 161,0025 kg/cm2, firmness sticky 1,9320 kg/cm2, screw holding strength 62,3124 kg.Keywords : adhesive, composition, particle board, rice husk, sengon


  • PENDAHULUAN Sekam padi merupakan bagian terluar dari butir padi yang merupakan hasil sampingan dari proses penggilingan padi

  • This research aimed to examine the physical and mechanical properties of particle boards based on the composition of raw materials and adhesive content and know the treatment of the composition of raw materials and the best adhesive content and meet the standard JIS A 59082003

  • The research was conducted at Wood Workshop Laboratory, Wood Processing Laboratory Faculty of Forestry,Tanjungpura University and Laboratory of PT

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Histogram nilai rerata kerapatan papan partikel (histogram particle board density value). Hasil pengujian kerapatan papan partikel yang dilakukan menunjukan nilai rerata kerapatan yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 0,6404 - 0,7072 g/cm. Nilai kerapatan papan partikel yang dihasilkan berhubungan dengan konsentrasi perekat yang digunakan. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi perekat yang digunakan maka nilai kerapatan papan partikel akan semakin baik (Sulastiningsih, 2009). Aini et al (2008), yang menyatakan bahwa pembentukan lembaran papan partikel secara manual dapat mengakibatkan tidak meratanya pendistribusian partikel pada pembentukan lembaran pada cetakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keseluruhan nilai rerata kerapatan papan partikel telah memenuhi standar JIS A 5908 (2003) yang mensyaratkan papan partikel berkisar antara 0,4-0,9 g/cm, walaupun ada yang tidak mencapai target kerapatan yang diinginkan yaitu sebesar 0,7 g/cm

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