
We have derived the organizational criteria of the facade from the study of drawings by the Dutch architect Teo van Doesburg. His works on the theme of the diagonal, entitled „Studies for a composition”, which we have interpreted as an expression of the diagonal line in relation to the orthogonal grid. As in the stories of Bruno Schulz, the great Polish writer, Pordoi 5 also belongs to a path of fantasy, which joins with the weapons of colour and proportions the usual functional reduction of life. To one facade we assigned a memory function using slabs of black reflective Plexiglas. The fragments of Plexiglas indicate that matter and light are all that we have to express our creativity, our memories, and our astonishment of the boundaries of the fantastic Ulysses: a world with more ‘water as possible. A world of circular paths, transparent and therefore unpredictable. Travel. Mission. Appear, disappear, appear, disappear, crystal ball and divine bossom...journey of a return to earth, return to earth...of which we are still passengers... and responsible.

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