
Musculoskeletal System Signs In Chronic Haemodialysis Patients In order to determine the prevalence and distribution of locomotor system signs and symptoms in haemodialysis patients we conducted a survey in haemodialysis centre at Ondokuzmayis University. Thirthy patients, dialysed over a long period have been exa¬mined clinically and radiologically to evaluate their musculoskeletal problems. There were 17 women (%56.6) and 13 men (%43.3). The mean age of the patients was 34+2.5 (range 15-60). The cause of the renal failure was chronic glomerulonephritis (36.6%), renal anomaly (30%), renal tuberculosis (6.6%), nephrolithiasis (6.6%), chronic pyelo¬nephritis (3.3%), amyloidosis (3.3%) or was unknown (13.3%). The average duration of dialysis at the beginning of the study was 60.7+7.6 months (range 6-120). All of the patients were dialysed with cuprophane membranes. At the end of the study we found that 24 patients (80%) had muscle cramps and 14 patients (46.6%) had arthralgia. Ra¬diological abnormalities were found in 14 patients (46.6%). The 14 patients with arti¬cular involvement were compared with the 16 dialysis patients free of these clinical abnormalities. The affected patients were significantly older at the start of the dialysis than the unaffected patients. We found no correlation between the duration of the dia¬lysis and articular involvement Bu calisma; kronik hemodializ hastalarinda gorulen romatolojik bulgularin sikligini ve dagilimini incelemek amaciyla planlandi. Ondokuzmayis Universitesi Tip Fakultesi He-modializ unitesinde takip ve tedavi edilmekte olan 30 hasta romatolojik yakinmalari yonunden klinik ve radyolojik olarak incelendi. Hastalarin % 80'inde kas kramplari, % 46.6'sinda artralji saptandi. Ondort olguda (%46.6) radyolojik bulgu vardi. Radyolojik bulgular; %40 osteoporoz, %20 spondylartroz, %20 yumusak doku kalsifikasyonu, %26.6 juxtaartikuler erozyon, %6.6 kistik degisimler ve %6.6 periferik eklemlerde dejeneratif artroz seklinde siralaniyordu. Artraljisi olan ve olmayan gruplar arasinda; cins, dialize goturen sebep ve toplam dializ suresi arasinda fark yoktu. Ancak dialize baslangic yasi ile artralji arasinda anlamli bir korelasyon vardi (p<0.05).

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