Ozet Amac. Kirim-Kongo Kanamali Atesi (KKKA) tedavisinde kan urunleri (trombosit suspansiyonu, taze donmus plazma, eritrosit suspansiyonu) onemlidir. Bu arastirmada kan merkezimizde hazirlanan ve hastanemizde yatan hastalara uygulanan kan urunleri geriye yonelik olarak incelenmistir. Amacimiz, tuketilen kan urunlerinin aylara ve kliniklere gore dagilimini incelemek ve KKKA'nin goruldugu Ilkbahar ve Yaz aylarinda kan merkezimizin is yukunun artip artmadigini belirlemekti. Yontem. Ocak-Aralik 2009 tarihleri arasindaki bir yillik surede kan merkezimiz bilgisayar kayitlari incelenerek kliniklerce tuketilen kan urunleri her klinik icin unite/ay olmak uzere kaydedilerek analiz edildi. Bulgular. Bir yillik calisma suresince hastanemizde aylik ortalama 940 (min: 699; max: 1260) unite kan urununun kliniklerce kullanilmis oldugu gozlendi. Hastanemizde KKKA hastalarinin takip edildigi Nisan-Eylul aylari arasindaki 6 aylik surede ortalama 1080 unite, takip edilmedigi diger 6 aylik sure icinde ise aylik ortalama 806 unite kan urununun tuketildigi ve bu iki donem arasinda %34'luk fark oldugu gozlendi. Infeksiyon Hastaliklari ve Klinik Bakteriyoloji Klinigi'nde 6 aylik KKKA doneminde toplam 206 KKKA hastasinin izlenerek tedavi edildigi ve bu donemde ortalama 135 unite/ay, diger donemde ise ortalama 16 unite/ay kan urununun kullanildigi, iki donem arasinda 8.4 katlik bir farkin oldugu bulundu. Hastanemizin diger kliniklerinde Nisan-Eylul 2009 doneminde aylik ortalama 972 unite, diger donemde ise aylik ortalama 790 unite kan urunu kullanilmis olup, iki donem arasinda %23'luk bir fark oldugu belirlendi. Buna gore hastanemizde kan merkezimizin is yukunun Ilkbahar ve Yaz aylarinda, Sonbahar ve Kis aylarina gore %34 oraninda artmis oldugu ve bu artisin %11'lik kisminin KKKA'dan kaynaklandigini gozlemledik. Sonuc. Bulgularimizin KKKA icin endemik olan bolgelerdeki kan merkezlerinin yapilandirilmasinda, fiziksel kosullarin iyilestirilmesinde ve kan merkezi personellerinin egitiminde goz onunde bulundurulmasi gerektigini dusunuyoruz. Anahtar sozcukler: Kirim-Kongo kanamali atesi, kan urunleri, kan merkezi is yuku Abstract Aim. Blood products (platelet suspension, fresh frozen plasma, packed red blood cells) are important in the treatment of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF). In this study, administered blood products prepared by our blood transfusion center to the hospitalized patients at our hospital were examined retrospectively. Our aim was to examine the distribution of utilized blood products according to months and clinics and to determine whether the workload of the blood transfusion center was increased in seasons which CCHF is frequently encountered such as the spring and summer. Methods. Data were obtained from our blood transfusion center . Computer records of consumed blood products by clinics between January to December 2009 were recorded as unit/month for each clinic and were analyzed. Results. Within this one year period, it was observed that the average units of blood products of utilized by clinics was 940 (min: 699, max: 1260 units). Average blood product consumption of our hospital in a 6-month period between the months of April to September, in which CCHF patients were followed was 1080 units, and it was 806 units in the other 6 months. We found 34% difference between these two periods. A total of 206 CCHF patients were treated and followed in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Bacteriology Clinic during this 6 month of CCHF period. In this period, an average of 135 units/month of blood products were used, while in the other period, an average of 16 units/month of blood products were used and 8.4-fold difference between the two periods were found. During the 6-month CCHF period, an average of 972 units/month of blood products were used in the other clinics of our hospital, while in the other 6 months period, an average of 790 units/month blood products were used, and there was a 23% of difference between the two periods. Accordingly, we observed that the workload of hospital blood center increased to 33% in the spring and summer months with respect to autumn and winter months, and 11% portion of this increase was due to CCHF. Conclusion. We think that our findings should be considered for configuration and improvement of the physical conditions regarding blood transfusion centers and in education of blood transfusion center staff in CCHF endemic areas. Key words: Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, blood products, blood transfusion center workload
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