
Kranial nevraljilerde agri elektrik sokuna benzer, kisa sureli ve bicak saplanir tarzdadir. Agri genellikle kranial sinir yayilim alaninda ve tek taraflidir. En sik gorulen kranial nevralji trigeminal nevraljidir. Tetik alan agri tarafindadir ve agri genellikle zararsiz uyarilarla tetik-lenir. Tani hastanin oykusune dayanir Symptom and Differantial Diagnosis of Cranial Neuralgias The pain of cranial neuralgia lasts for few seconds and it looks like electric shock-like stabbing. Pain is usually in the distribution area of cranial nerve and only one-sided. The most common cranial neuralgia is trigeminal neuralgia. The trigger zone is always ipsilateral to the pain. Pain is usually triggered by noxious stimulus. This is accomplished by taking a careful history from patient

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