
This paper will analyze the importance and the effects of religion, in Kosovar society. A great part of the paper, will analyze the social and the political relations in Post-War Kosovo. Initially it will elaborate religion and secularism, especially in theoreticall aspect, what impact have these definitions in modern societies.In order to explain what the importance of the religion in Kosovo is, we will focus on analyzing ethnical, social and political relations within Kosovo society. A considerable component of the paper is also, the elaboration of secularism in Kosovo conditions. This implies that the formulation of the problem and the objective of this research, are the substance of the paper’s theme, which is, religion in Kosovo; its definition and the outlook of the Kosovar society on religion. Is Kosovo post-war society more or less religious? That means the elements of Religions and Secularism will be part of the analysis of developments in post-war Kosovo.


  • Iliria International Review – 2013/2 © Felix–Verlag, Holzkirchen, Germany and Iliria College, Pristina, KosovoMSc

  • Time of Illyrians, was followed by the period of Roman and Ottoman Empires invasions, as a result of The League of Prizren, Albanians established their identity which remained as such, even during other future historical periods such as Congress of Berlin; Proclamation of Albania Independence in 1912, its recognition in 1913 in London; except few of its territories where excluded, such as Kosovo, Western Macedonia, Cameria; and after Balkan Wars, the Albanian territories were given to Serbia, Montenegro (Kosovo and Macedonia) and Greece


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Iliria International Review – 2013/2 © Felix–Verlag, Holzkirchen, Germany and Iliria College, Pristina, Kosovo. Time of Illyrians, was followed by the period of Roman and Ottoman Empires invasions, as a result of The League of Prizren, Albanians established their identity which remained as such, even during other future historical periods such as Congress of Berlin; Proclamation of Albania Independence in 1912, its recognition in 1913 in London; except few of its territories where excluded, such as Kosovo, Western Macedonia, Cameria; and after Balkan Wars, the Albanian territories were given to Serbia, Montenegro (Kosovo and Macedonia) and Greece. Problem defenition The important focus of this analysis is regarding how and where Kosovar society stands, through secularism and religion impact. This means that the problem formulation and the research object, is the content of the topic about WKHUHOLJLRQLQ.RVRYRGHÀQLWLRQDQGRXWORRNRIWKH.RVRYDUVRFLHW\RQUHOLJLRQ 7KURXJKWKLVSDSHUZHZLOODWWHPSWE\DIHZFRQFUHWHTXHVWLRQVWRSUHVHQW an overview, respectively of one reality, ‡ :KDWLVWKHUROHRIWKHUHOLJLRQLQVRFLDODQGSROLWLFDOOLIHLQ.RVRYR" ‡ :KDWDUHWKHRXWORRNVWKDW.RVRYDUVKDYHIRUWKH(XURSHDQRULHQWDWLRQ" ‡ +RZWKHFURVVUHOLJLRQUHODWLRQVVWDQGLQ.RVRYR". In the second part of the paper, data that are taken and analyzed have to do with the factual situation in the terrain

Religion as a phenomenon
Conclusions and results
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