
This study aims to determine the relationship between leg muscle strength (X1), back muscle strength (X2) and jump height (Y) in KONI Volleyball Players in Blitar City. The result of the calculation between each independent and dependent variable above, which is interpreted between the independent variable and the dependent variable, where the calculation is operated manually using Microsoft Excel, it is known that the overall correlation coefficient value is rX1Y = 0.975, and rX2Y = 2,933 rtable = 0.632 and rX1.2Y = 1.927. From the results of the analysis of the weight of the predictor contribution and the results of the correlation coefficient of each independent variable with the dependent variable, it turns out that the independent variable of back muscle strength (X2) in this study has a greater contribution weight when compared to the independent variable of leg muscle strength (X1) with the dependent variable is the high jumping ability of female volleyball athletes (Y).

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