
This study aims to determine the coordination carried out by the Gayo Lues Regency government in overcoming cannabis cultivation, and also how the obstacles that occur when implementing coordination in tackling cannabis cultivation both between one agency and another as well as between agencies and the community and to find out the efforts made by the government. (BNNK, Polri, TNI) in tackling cannabis cultivation in Gayo Lues Regency. This research uses qualitative research using descriptive method which is carried out by means of purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews and documentation studies, with informants of several employees at the Gayo Lues Regency National Narcotics Agency, Gayo Lues District Police, Gayo Lues District Military Command, community leaders and communities who live in areas prone to cannabis cultivation. The results of this research indicate that the collaboration formed by the BNN Gayo Lues Regency, the Police and the Kodim 0113 Gayo Lues has been carried out as much as possible but efforts are still needed to change the mindset of the community. The coordination carried out by the government is for preventive activities carried out by the District National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) Gayo Lues, while the Police and Kodim 0113 Gayo Lues are more concerned with law enforcement. The obstacles experienced by the government in overcoming cannabis cultivation are divided into 2 (two), namely internal constraints and external constraints. Internal constraints such as the lack of personnel, the absence of technology in tackling cannabis cultivation and the distance of the cannabis fields, while the external constraints are more to the people themselves. The efforts made by each agency are different, such as the National Narcotics Agency of Gayo Lues Regency which emphasizes work programs, while for the Police and Kodim 0113 Gayo Lues strives by requesting an increase in the number of personnel and the procurement of technology to combat marijuana.


  • PENDAHULUAN Ganja merupakan Tumbuhan yang dari dulu kala telah dikenal oleh manusia dengan banyaknya manfaat serta sisi positifnya, dapat dilihat mulai dari daun ganja, ranting ganja, akar ganja semua bisa dimanfaatkan oleh manusia

  • This study aims to determine the coordination carried out by the Gayo Lues Regency government in overcoming cannabis cultivation, and also how the obstacles that occur when implementing coordination in tackling cannabis cultivation both between one agency and another as well as between agencies and the community and to find out the efforts made by the government. (BNNK, Polri, TNI) in tackling cannabis cultivation in Gayo Lues Regency

  • Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Unsyiah, 1(1), 128– 146

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Pemerintah Provinsi dan Pemerintah

Jika melihat dari teori sifat koordinasi Hasibuan (2007:87) dalam Mali, Uskono & Taus yaitu koordinasi bersifat dinamis bukan statis, koordinasi menekankan pandangan menyeluruh oleh seorang koordinator dalam rangka mencapai sasaran, koordinasi meninjau suatu pekerjaan secara keseluruhan maka instansi pemerintahan telah melaksanakannya secara optimal dilihat dari setiap program BNN Kabupaten Gayo Lues, Polres dan TNI yang dilakukan bersama untuk menanggulangi kasus peladangan ganja ini. Bekerja sama merupakan suatu point yang diutamakn dalam koordinasi dapat dilihat pada bab sebelumnya dimana setiap instansi pemerintahan memiliki wewenang masing-masing dan disatupadukan sebagai kerjasama yang solid seperti BNN kabupaten Gayo Lues yang lebih kepada pencegahan dalam penannggulangan peladangan ganja sedangkan TNI dan Polri yang bertugas sebagai penindakan atau penegakan hukum. Maka instansi pemerintahan Kabupaten Gayo Lues telah melaksanakanya secara efektif baik dalam hal kerjasama yang dilakukan berupa program kerja, pengawasan dan target pemusnahan ladang ganja pada Kabupaten Gayo Lues

Gayo Lues
Penanggulangan Peladangan Ganja Pada
Menaggulangi Kasus Peladangan Ganja pada Kabupaten Gayo Lues
Menurut Tim Penyusun Departemen
Lues kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi
Program Unit Reaksi Cepat Tambal
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