
 This study aims to describe the understanding of Japanese language students about the ‘uchi-soto’ concept which is the standard for Japanese people when using the ‘yari-morai’ expression. This also relates to the process of translating speeches containing the verb ‘yari-morai’. Data sources are Japanese manga (Japanese) and a questionnaire that lists structured questions. The method used in data collection is the listening method with tapping technique as the basic technique and the listening-free-engaged-conversation technique as an advanced technique. Whereas in the analysis using contextual and descriptive methods, the sentence is analyzed by explaining the context, the concept of ‘uchi-soto’ in relation to the use of ‘yari-morai’ auxiliary verbs, assessing the results of the translation and relating it to the concept of ‘uchi-soto’ in the linguistic realm. The results of this study indicate 1) in the yaru and ageru verbs, it was found that the respondents' understanding of the uchi-soto concept was the same lack. 2) on the morau verb, the authors found that respondents were able to determine the uchi-soto relationship and 3) in the kureru verb, some respondents can distinguish and determine the uchi-soto relationship well, however, when the kureru verb becomes kudasaru, even though the respondent can still recognize the uchi-soto relationship, some 100% of the translating results of the respondent are incorrect. So, from the students' understanding of the concept of uchi-soto which is associated with the results of translation it is known that it does not significantly correlate with student competence in translating utterances that contain yari-morai verbs and vice versa. Although some respondents answered correctly the uchi-soto relationship of the speakers involved in a conversation, it was not in accordance with the translation that resulted from both accuracy and acceptance. On the other hand, although the respondent is able to translate the fragments from the utterances, it is not able to determine the right relationship between speakers with other parties in the given conversation situation.
 expressions; uchi-soto; yari-morai; translation


  • Penerjemahan adalah sebuah kegiatan yang dewasa ini lazim dilakukan

  • This study aims to describe the understanding of Japanese language students about the ‘uchi-soto’ concept which is the standard for Japanese people when using the ‘yari-morai’ expression

  • The results of this study indicate 1) in the yaru and ageru verbs, it was found that the respondents' understanding of the uchi-soto concept was the same lack. 2) on the morau verb, the authors found that respondents were able to determine the uchi-soto relationship and 3) in the kureru verb, some respondents can distinguish and determine the uchi-soto relationship well, when the kureru verb becomes kudasaru, even though the respondent can still recognize the uchi-soto relationship, some 100% of the translating results of the respondent are incorrect

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman mahasiswa bahasa Jepang tentang konsep ‘uchisoto’ yang menjadi standar bagi orang Jepang menggunakan ungkapan ‘yari-morai’ berkaitan dengan proses penerjemahan tuturan-tuturan yang mengandung verba ‘yari-morai’. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) pada verba yaru dan ageru, ditemukan bahwa pemahaman responden terhadap konsep uchi-soto sama kurangnya, 2) pada verba morau, penulis menemukan bahwa responden mampu menentukan hubungan uchi-soto dan 3) pada verba kureru, sebagian responden dapat membedakan dan menentukan dengan baik hubungan uchi-soto nya, namun, ketika verba kureru menjadi kudasaru, meskipun responden masih dapat mengenali hubungan uchi-sotonya, namun sejumlah 100% hasil penerjemahan dari responden kurang tepat. Dari pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap konsep uchi-soto yang dikaitkan dengan hasil terjemahan diketahui tidak berkorelasi signifikan dengan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan ujaran-ujaran yang mengandung verba yari-morai dan begitu pun sebaliknya.Meskipun sebagian responden menjawab secara tepat hubungan uchi-soto para penutur yang terlibat dalam suatu percakapan, namun tidak sesuai dengan terjemahan yang dihasilkan baik dari keakuratan maupun keberterimaannya. Meskipun responden mampu menerjemahkan dengan baik penggalan dari ujaranujaran yang ada, namun tidak mampu untuk menentukan hubungan yang tepat antar penutur dengan pihak lain dalam situasi percakapan yang diberikan

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