
Sari Temple is one of the unique temples located in Pandan Strait Village, Banten, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency, where the pelinggih place of worship is still in the form of "bebaturan" (piles of stones) without the slightest change. If viewed from another point of view, of course the worship of stone piles will bring thinking towards 'ism' or traditional ancestral beliefs such as animism and dynamism. In fact, the concept of worship of God in Hinduism is absolutely monotheism. How exactly the concept of divinity in the worship of bebaturan, in Pura Sari is very interesting to be investigated further. So that this qualitative descriptive research seeks to discuss and explore the unique meaning of Pura Sari. Pura Sari is believed to have existed since prehistoric times more or less in the megalithic era. Apart from being a place to worship God and all His manifestations, it turns out that the existence of Pura Sari is also a conservationist and guardian of civilization. This is because the authentic form of pelinggih bebaturan, which is still distinctive, without the slightest change to pelinggih (place of worship). The form of worship in Pura Sari is the application of the concepts of animism and dynamism as part of the form of worship in the concept of Saguna Brahman Theology (God Embodied). Hinduism strongly believes in the Absolute/Transcendental Oneness of God, but on the one hand Hinduism is also aware of the limitations of man's ability to relate directly to and achieve his God. So that it can also be concluded in the worship of bebaturan, in Pura Sari is also the application of the concept of Immanent Monotheism, which is a belief that considers God to create the universe and everything in it, God is outside and is inside His creation

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