
One of the major contributions in the field of Ottoman medicine was the establishment of a hospital institution called darüşşifa. Basically, this hospital was developed in the early 15th century with the aim of promoting medical activities through practice in institutions as well as offering public health services free of charge. The establishment of this hospital has also restored the glorious tradition of the hospital that was once achieved in Islamic civilization in previous eras. Thus, this study was conducted to identify the concept and history of the establishment of hospitals in the Ottoman Empire from the 15th century to the 16th century. This study uses a qualitative method with a historical study design approach based on various authoritative sources and then analyzed using text analysis and deductive methods. The findings of this study clearly show that the hospital (darüşşifa) in the Ottoman Empire was a charitable institution that offered a combination of education to medical students as well as free medical services to the general public. It is usually built either by the government or the palace in a complex (kulliye) located in major cities such as Bursa, Edirne, Istanbul and Manisa. The hospital building has unique features such as providing holistic treatment including medical and spiritual treatment, having a variety of medical functions and expertise, complete facilities and a conducive and eco-friendly environment. With the establishment of this hospital, the Ottoman Empire was able to strengthen the field of medical science, expand access of health and education facilities to the whole community as well as able to achieve sustainable development in the country successfully.

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