
After election commission passed Nasdem Party to participate in the 2014 elections, the party is now headed by Surya Paloh reap discord. The split was marked by the release of Hary Tanoe Soedibjo, Chairman of the Board of Expert Nasdem Party. Hary Tanoe addition, Secretary-General Ahmad Rofik, Saiful Haq Deputy Secretary-General, and the Chairman of the Internal DPP Nasdem Tirtana Endang also resigned from the party Nasdem. The resignation was caused by disagreement with Surya Paloh who plans to overhaul the management of board center. The purpose of this study was to determine the internal conflict and branding of Nasdem Political Party In Legislative Election Year 2014. The result shows Nasdem internal conflict as a conflict of interest due to the race for Chairman Nasdem between Surya Paloh and Hary Tanoe Sudibjo. This conflict resulted the resignation Hary Tanoe and followed by Nasdem cadres in several regions in Indonesia. Nasdem administrators in several regions in Indonesia who resigned are the supporters of Hary Tanoe. Impact in the community is its lack of public confidence in Nasdem as new party that is expected to bring positive change so that this conflict can interfere with imaging Nasdem the 2014 Elections.


  • Setelah Komisi Pemilihan Umum meloloskan Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) untuk bisa berpartisipasi dalam Pemilu tahun 2014, Partai yang kini diketuai oleh Surya Paloh menuai perpecahan

  • After election commission passed Nasdem Party to participate in the 2014 elections

  • the party is now headed by Surya Paloh reap discord

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Penulis menggunakan teori Partai politik menurut Sigmund Neuman, mengemukakan definisi partai sebagai berikut: “ partai politik adalah organisasi dari aktivitas-aktivitas politik yang berusaha untuk menguasai kekuasaan pemerintah serta merebut dukungan rakyat atas dasar persaingan dengan suatu golongan atau golongan-golongan lain yang mempunyai pandangan yang berbeda (Budiardjo, 2003:161). Menurut Maurice Duverger (Darmastuti, 2004:5) istilah partai digunakan untuk menggambarkan faksi-faksi dalam republik-republik masa lalu, pasukan-pasukan yang terbentuk disekitar conditeri pada masa Renaisans Itali, kelab-kelab tempat berkumpul anggota-anggota dewan revolusi, komite-komite yang bertugas memenangkan pemilihan umum dalam monarki konstitusional, dan organisasi sosial yang membentuk opini public dalam Negara-negara demokrasi modern. Semua lembaga tersebut berperan dalam memenangkan kekuasaan politik dan menerapkannya

Yunicha Diana dan Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan
Upaya Partai Nasdem Untuk Menyelesaikan Konflik
Pengaruh Hari Tanoe Dalam Partai Nasdem
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