Leafminer fly, Liriomyza spp. are widely known as new important pests attacking many vegetable species inhigh land in Indonesia. The objective of the research was to study community of parasitoid leafminer in highaltitude, and parasitization level. This research also looked at more specific on parasitization level caused byOpius chromatomyiae. There were four species of leafminer recorded from the survey, Liriomyza huidobrensis,Liriomyza sativae, Liriomyza chinensis and Chromatomyia horticola. The observation also found eight species ofparasitioid associated with collected leafminers. Six species of recorded parasitoid belonged to family of Eulopidae,and two rest species belonged to Braconidae and Eucoilidae respectively. Those eight species of parasitoids wereHemiptarsenus varicornis, Asecodes deluchii, Neochrysocharis okazakii, Neochrysocharis formosa ,Neocrhysocharis sp. Quadrastichus liriomyzae, Opius chromatomyaie, Gronotoma micromorpha. ParasitoidOpius chromatomyiae and Hemiptarsenus varicornis were found to be dominant in the range altitude between1001-1300 and 1301-1600 asl. From 16 spesies of hosts attacked by leaf miners, only Opius chromatomyiae wasrecorded to have ability to parasitize the leafminer in 13 host species with parasitization level reached 1,84–62,26%.
Hama lalat pengorok daun Liriomyza spp. merupakan hama utama pada pertanaman sayuran
specific on parasitization level caused by Opius chromatomyiae
four species of leafminer recorded from the survey
Hama lalat pengorok daun Liriomyza spp. merupakan hama utama pada pertanaman sayuran. Sejak ditemukan pertama kali pada tahun 1994 di daerah Cisarua, Bogor (Rauf 1995), hama lalat pengorok daun masih menjadi kendala utama bagi petani, khususnya petani sayuran. Hama ini bersifat polifag dan tingkat serangan hama ini pada pertanaman sayuran dapat menurunkan hasil hingga 30-70% (Rauf & Shepard 1999). Lalat Liriomyza diketahui berasal dari Amerika Serikat dan Amerika Selatan (Rauf 1995).
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