
The purpose of this study was to determine how long distance communication betweenparents and children. This research method is qualitative with a descriptive approach to interview,observation, documentation, literature study. The theorynused inmthis researchnis the theorybofinterpersonal communication andnthentheory of familynrelationshipnschemes. The subjects of thisstudy consisted of informant 1 Vio Perori and her mother Mrs. Peronika from Air Putih Village,Informant 2 Andilau and her mother Ibu Suci from Kuala Sungai Pasir Village, and informant 3Vivi Arinda and her mother Ibu Kartila from Sungai Pasir Village. Thenresearchnlocation wasconducted in the respective informant's village. Thebresults of this studybshow thatcommunicationnbetween parentsand children can be seen from the intensity of communication,students who have more communication intensity with their parents will be more familiar and viceversa. Supporting factors of the long-distance communication process between parents and childrenare the presence of means or means of communication such as telephones, pulses to communicate,free time, mutual understanding of limitations in communication, an open attitude about eachother's circumstances and the environment that is not noisy. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors such asphysical constraints, economic constraints and time constraints

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