
Iron sand is obtained from one of the waste treatments stages of bauxite residue called red mud, operated at PT. Indonesia Chemical Alumina (PT. ICA). Preliminary analysis of the sand indicates that the main element contained in the sand is iron with a percentage of up to 60% and titanium at 10%. This study aims to determine the elemental composition and mineral characteristics of sand that was separated magnetically from the iron sand. Magnetic separation was carried out in two stages, namely separation using a weak magnets and strong magnets. The separation resulted in approximately 71% of strong magnetic sand. The rest was separated using the strong magnet giving almost 70% of weak magnetic sand while the residue is non-magnetic sand. The weak magnetic sand was analyzed using XRF and XRD to determine elemental composition as well as the type of mineral contained in the material. Elemental analysis showed that the weak magnetic sand contains 66.331% of iron, 13,120% of silicone, 9.216% of aluminum and 7.040% of titanium. The XRD analysis presented that crystalline phase in the sand consists of ilmenite, hematite, goethite, quartz and rutile.


  • Iron sand is obtained from one of the waste treatments stages of bauxite residue called red mud, operated at PT

  • This study aims to determine the elemental composition and mineral characteristics of sand that was separated magnetically from the iron sand

  • Kemagnetan Pasir Besi Pesisir Pantai Aceh yang Diseparasi dengan Metode Mechanical Milling, Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics, 4(1), pp. 110-114. [5] Brouwer, P., 2010, Theory of XRF, PANalytical BV, The Netherlands. [6] Prasdiantika, R., dan Susanto, 2016, Preparasi dan Penentuan Jenis Oksida Besi pada Material Magnetik Oksida Besi Lansilowo, Jurnal Tekno Sains, Vol. No.1, ISSN 2443- 131, Hal 1-58 [7] Vidianti, I., A., dan Suprapto, 2014, Pemisahan Titanium Dioksida Dari Pasir Besi Kabupaten Lumajang Dengan Pelindingan H3PO4 Dan Agen Dekomposisi NaOH, Jurnal Sains dan Seni, Vol 1 No 1, Hal 1- 6

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Penentuan pH Sampel

Sampel pasir besi yang digunakan merupakan residu bagian dari red mud yang diperoleh dari PT. Sampel yang diperoleh berada dalam keadaan basah sehingga dilakukan preparasi awal berupa pengeringan. Pasir besi dikeringkan di oven dengan suhu 100 °C selama 3 jam atau lebih sampai benar-benar kering. Selanjutnya didapatkan sampel pasir besi yang sudah kering dan diketahui bahwa pH sampel adalah netral.Pasir besi ini dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRF

Separasi Magnetik
Pasir Pasir Magnetik Besi Lemah
Pasir Besi Pasir Magnetik Lemah
Mineral Kuarsa
Ucapan Terimakasih
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