
Ontogenetic development, during the embryonic period and postnatal life, involves a complex of quantitative and qualitative changes in individual organs, organ systems and organism as a whole, given that the organism is an integral, in homeostatic conditions, indivisible whole. The processes of tissue growth and differentiation and functional maturation comprise a complex term of physical development. In today's typical urban areas it comes to permanent reduction of opportunities and needs of children for exercise and intense physical engagement, which is particularly evident in the preschool population. The aim of this study was to examine the posture status, ie the status of individual body segments in children who attend preschool institution 'Nada Naumović' in Kragujevac. The total sample included 204 preschoolers, aged 6 to 7 years, who were divided into a subsample of children staying for 3 and 4 years (LSKPI-103 - longer stay in Kragujevac preschool institutions) in preschool and a subsample of children staying for 6 months (SSKPI-101 - shorter stay in Kragujevac preschool institutions). The method used in determining the possible postural disorders was somatoscopy, by Radisavljevic and Radojevic. The results of the research led to the following conclusions, that there is approximately the same number of children in both samples with three or more postural deformities (even LSKPI-51 or 49.51% compared to SSKPI-50 or 49.50%), as well as in children who do not have a deformity of body (LSKPI-14 or 13.59%, compared to SSKPI 12 or 11.88%). Namely, the most common physical irregularities in both samples in the assessment 1 were in the variables: suspended arch of the foot, LSKPI - values (as much as 71.84%), compared to subsample SSKPI (77.22%), then with the distortions of the Achilles tendon towards the inside (69.90%), as opposed to (75.24%) and 'X' feet (66.01%), versus (72.27%). Comparative sublimation of the two mentioned samples of respondents, in the assessment 1, found the greatest statistical differences in the variables: embossed or carved chest values (5.53%), followed by distortion of Achilles tendon in or out (5.38%), 'H' or 'O' footing, respectively the knee joint (5.33%) and raised right or left shoulder blade (4.58%), while the least significant differences were found in: right or left wings blade in the value of (0.41%), then with increased or decreased cervical curve (0.85%) and in head position tilt to the right or left side of the body (0.93%). Quantitative research results indicate the need to apply corrective exercises with the aim of correction, but also prevention of postural disorders by introducing exercises as daily focused activities of pre-school population.

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