Without using computer, lattice dome design is a time-consuming operation.nSeveral difficult tasks in the design of dome are configuration processing, loadndetermination, structural analysis, optimisation and code conformance checking. Thesentasks require knowledge and experience of the designer. Specialised computernprograms performing individual tasks work independently which make the designnprocess prone to error due to data transfer.nKnowledge-based system is conceived to provide a solution to lattice domendesign problem by bringing all design tasks together into a single computer-aidedndesign environment. The primary aims of this thesis are therefore to find a systemnmodel for lattice dome design and, based on this model, to develop and evaluate thenprototype knowledge- based system. This prototype model is expected to be a buildingnblock for full system development which can be used to generate new expandednknowledge regarding lattice dome behaviour.nIn this system development, a knowledge-based shell is used and the knowledgebasednsystem employs a combination of both symbolic and numeric programmingntechniques. Based on the adopted blackboard system architecture, knowledge in thenknowledge bases is represented by using the hybrid approach under object-orientedndesign environment. The knowledge base contains facts, heuristics and standardnengineering design knowledge which are acquired from literatures, human expert andnknowledge derived during the system development. The present prototype system is sonfar limited to the design of icosahedral geodesic dome with the assemblage of Tubelinenmembers.nExamples of design consultation with the developed prototype are presented. Itnis found that the system facilitates the design and decision making process made by thendesigner within a considerable short time. Potential of the proposed knowledge-basednsystem and recommendation for future work are discussed.n
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