
Knowledge-based HR practices (KHRP) were developed to enhance the organization's capacity to create, share and use new information (Caputo et al., 2019). So, knowledge-based HR practices could be crucial in attracting, selecting, positioning, maintaining, and transforming important human resources in developing novel processes and products (Manzaneque, et al., 2017). There has been a consensus among previous research that identifying KHRP is a determinant of innovation (Al-Tal and Emeagwali, 2019). Yet, it does not adequately describe how KHRP contributes to competitive advantage. Specifically, there is a gap in understanding how KSB can facilitate the translation of KHRP and SC (Singh et al., 2021) into improved ER outcomes, and whether this relationship varies across different organizational contexts or industries. Further research is needed to explore these relationships and identify effective strategies for promoting KSB to enhance employee retention in organizations. Keywords: Knowledge-based HR practices, Social Capital, Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Employee Retention, Innovative Work Behavior.

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