
A dental emergency is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate treatment to stop ongoing tissue bleeding, relieve severe pain or infection, including uncontrolled bleeding, cellulitis or bacterial tissue infection causing swelling in the mouth or mouth area, and trauma to the bones of the facial area, and this action is carried out to a minimum. Dental Emergency for dental and oral therapists is a musthave ability in handling emergencies and providing services according to their competence, here dental and oral therapists must have good knowledge in handling emergencies in order to provide immediate action to relieve severe pain. The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge of dental and oral therapists about dental emergencies at the Jabodetabek Pertamedika Polyclinic. The research method uses analytical observational. The population of all oral therapists at the Pertamerdika Jabodetabek Polyclinic was 25 people with a total sampling technique. The measuring instrument used a questionnaire, the data were analyzed using a frequency distribution. The results showed that the level of knowledge of dental and oral therapists about dental emergencies was mostly sufficient (64%), with an average value of 26.64. The conclusion is that the knowledge of dental and oral therapists about dental emergencies at the Pertamerdika Jabodetabek Polyclinic is mostly sufficient. It is recommended for dental and oral therapists to improve and participate in training that is always held by the related Health Office.

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