
Sanitation is intentional behavior in empowering clean life that has the purpose of preventing humans from being in direct contact with dirt and other hazardous waste materials in the hope of maintaining and improving human health. The use of latrines as a place to dispose of human waste is very necessary to avoid and reduce various types of environmental pollution and transmission of diseases, and can support the creation of a clean and healthy environment. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and socioeconomic status of the family head with ownership of family latrines in Gunung Agung Village, Argamakmur City, North Bengkulu. The design of this study uses analytical survey with Cross Sectional approach. The population taken was all family heads in Gunung Agung Village, Argamakmur City, North Bengkulu. Sampling in this study were 85 samples, using proportional random sampling technique, namely 66 samples that had family latrines and 19 samples that did not have family latrines. Data collection in this study uses primary and secondary data with data analysis techniques carried out by univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test through SPSS program. The results obtained: from 85 household head respondents, it can be seen that there are 66 families (77.6%) who have family latrines, there are 42 families (49.4%) have a sufficient level of knowledge, there are 56 households (65.9%) with the status of Prosperous Family I. This study shows that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and socioeconomic status of the head of the family with ownership of family latrines in Gunung Agung Village, Argamakmur City, North Bengkulu. Keywords: knowledge of family heads, ownership of family latrines, socio-economic status

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