
BACKGROUND: Utilization barriers of mental health services are the lack of knowledge about mental health.
 AIM: This study aimed to identify the knowledge and understanding of the families of people with mental disorders about mental disorders.
 METHODS: This study is a qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Data were obtained by interview, unstructured observation, and documentation on seven informants in Puskesmas Larompong Luwu, South Sulawesi. Content analysis was used to identify topics or categories in the data.
 RESULTS: The family of people with mental disorders still has negative views about people with mental disorders. People with mental disorders are often called the term “lunatic,” insane, scary, and dangerous. In addition, people with mental disorders regarded as a person who has a disease that makes people uncomfortable because of behavior that is unnatural. Families have an understanding that the causes of mental disorders associated with the occult and mystical or supernatural events. The factors that cause families have minimal understanding of the appropriate handling for people with mental disorders.
 CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the knowledge and understanding of mental disorder which is owned by the family of people with mental disorders as the holder of a healing role in supporting people with mental disorders are lacking.

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